boom! LIVE

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The Future of Supply Chain: Insights from Leaders

Join us as we kick off the year with an insightful look ahead into the challenges and opportunities facing supply chain leaders and their teams in 2025.

boom! host Melanie Salter gathers insights from Francesca Gamboni (Chief Manufacturing & Supply Chain Officer at Volvo Cars) and Maria Pia De Caro (EVP, Global Operations & Sustainability at Pernod Ricard). 

This event is now over. Catch up with the replay here.

Closing the Digital Gender Gap in Supply Chain: The Impact of AI

In a panel discussion on digital supply chains we hosted two years ago, AI was barely mentioned. Fast forward just a couple of years and now AI is everywhere... Is the expected revolutionary impact of AI close or widen the digital gender gap in supply chain? Join us for this live event to explore these questions and more. 

This is a members and colleagues-only event. Members should sign into the boom! platform to get the registration link or email

Gender & Humanitarian Supply Chains: Not all disasters are equal...

According to the United Nations Development Programme, women and children are 14 times more likely to die in a humanitarian disaster, so while humanitarian disasters are gender neutral, their impact on people is not. In this parallel event for the United Nations Commission for the State of Women 69, Melanie Salter speaks with three experts on how to make sure that humanitarian supply chains support everyone. 

Registration for this event is now open. Sign up here >>>

Catch up with other events you've missed...

Survey Results 2024 | Webinar replays

Join boom! hosts Beth Morgan and Melanie Salter as they discuss the results of this year's global survey of the supply chain profession with special guests:

  • Anne Robinson
  • Jake Dean
  • Maria Villablanca
  • Martijn Lofvers

Watch both replays and download the slides here. No registration needed.

Climbing the leadership ladder: Making the transition with confidence

Taking on increasingly senior roles is often an inevitable part of a career trajectory. Whether it is something you've pursued or it's an opportunity that's been presented to you, it is likely that you will face new experiences and challenges. So why not learn from the experiences of three supply chain leaders who are already on the leadership ladder?

Tune is to hear guest panelists from The Estée Lauder Companies, Schneider Electric and Coca-Cola Europacifc Partners. This replay is open to members only. Sign in to watch on the boom! platform now.

Creating Win-Win Business Outcomes Through Inclusive Supply Chains

Ethnic minority businesses are making a growing contribution to economies and societies around the world. However, they often face significant challenges. In this live and interactive session, we heard from two European non-profit organisations that are working to bring together ethnic minority businesses and leading global corporations that are committed to supplier diversity and inclusive procurement. The goal: to break down barriers and empower growth, creating a win-win for all.

Watch the replay now. No registration needed.

When Two Heads are Better Than One: The Story of a Successful Supply Chain Job Share

When you work with KaSi, the Global Head of Quality, Beauty & Wellbeing at Unilever, you're actually working with two women who successfully orchestrate themselves to work part-time but as one.

Find out why they did it, why it works so well and the benefits it delivers to the business, as Beth Morgan speaks with Katrina Reeves and Siri Calvert. 

Watch the replay now – no registration needed.

Balancing Family & Career in Supply Chain: The Male Perspective

Fathers in the workplace are often discriminated against if they want to take on, or share, the load of childcare. A positive culture is essential, as well as male role models who are breaking down barriers. 

We invited a panel of men working in supply chain to speak with our host Melanie Salter.

Watch the replay now – no registration needed.

Pregnancy, childcare and a career in supply chain

On 22 February 2024, our members joined a relaxed and informal boom! CONNECT networking session to discuss setting boundaries, the mental load, the skills gained from becoming a mother, and taking time for yourself.

One of our members from adidas shared her personal experience. A recording of that is available to members now on the boom! platform. Sign in now to listen in. 

Inspiring Inclusion in Supply Chain

For this year's International Women’s Day event at boom! we took the official campaign theme, Inspire Inclusion, as our topic for a live panel discussion followed by virtual roundtable breakouts. Participants left with a clearer understanding of what inclusion means for teir specific area of supply chain, the barriers that need to be overcome, existing initiatives which promote inclusion and what the future holds.

Watch the replay here – no registration needed.

Transforming Healthcare Supply Chains in Africa

In a replay of this live panel discussion from January 2024, learn about the role of the healthcare supply chain in facilitating universal health coverage across Africa, and much more...

Watch the replay here – no registration needed.

Next Generation Talent: Survey results 2023

The search for supply chain talent is more challenging than ever before. Discover how to attract, retain and upskill the next generation of supply chain professionals.

Watch the replay here – no registration needed.

How to Be a Great Leader

Great leaders have a major impact on the team members they manage and their company as a whole. Learn from three great female supply chain leaders, in discussion with boom! host Melanie Salter. Replay is available for members now on the boom! platform.

This content is for members only. Become a member.

How to Be a Great Male Ally

Watch the replay of this fascinating panel discussion to learn from the insights and experiences of three outstanding male allies. You will hear about their interpretation of male allyship and gain insights into how they integrate it into their everyday working lives.

This event is open to everyone. Watch the replay – no registration needed.

The Microsoft Allyship Program

An ally is any person that actively promotes and aspires to advance the culture of inclusion. Microsoft introduced the Microsoft Allyship Program in 2020, with the goal of giving its 160,000 employees worldwide the language they need to discuss different viewpoints and difficult things in a way that offers empathy and inclusion to all. Watch the replay of the live discussion with the Microsoft team to find out more.

This event is for members only. Become a member.

Closing the digital gender gap in supply chain

Women are getting left behind in the digital gender divide – how can we change this in supply chain? Watch the replay of a live panel discussion featuring guests from Cranfield University, Johnson & Johnson, and Microsoft.


This event is free and is open to all. Watch the replay here.

How to create a work culture where everyone wins

Gill Whitty-Collins is the author of Why Men Win at Work... and how we can make equality history. In this live session held on 31 January 2023, Gill set out the psychology of gender inequality from the perspective of real personal experience and share her powerful insights on how to tackle it.

The replay is available to members now on the boom! community platform.

Women in Manufacturing

How can we encourage more women to be part of this exciting industry? How do we help women to thrive within it? 

In this session, four women who work in manufacturing roles in different companies talk about this important topic. They discuss the issues they face, share their success stories and talk about the tangible actions we can take to help women advance in manufacturing.

Members can log in now to watch this insightful and inspirational session.

Developing Global Fitness

A three-part series that explored international relations and culture-diversity with intercultural communication specialists, Peter Franklin and Helen Spencer-Oatey. These interactive sessions look at everything from the stumbling blocks in intercultural cooperation to how good relationships can be the key to success, and what you need in order to thrive in culturally complex business contexts.

Members can log in now to catch up on these three sessions.

Race, power and privilege

Watch the replay of this powerful presentation on how to create an inclusive culture with global speaker, Dr Mena Fombo.Find out what being an ally at work really looks like and how we can create a more inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive. 

Members can log in now to watch this really impactful session.

Live coaching with impact expert, Martin Brooks

In this very special live session, communication and body language expert Martin Brooks coached three boom! members live on topics chosen by them, to help them address real situations currently challenging them in their professional lives. And what a session it was. Members can log in now to see what happened...

Visibility at Work

In this highly interactive session from October 2021, self-promotion expert Gemma Stow shared how you can:

  • Understand the barriers at work and how women hold back and undervalue themselves so that you can identify how to start showcasing your talent
  • Figure out any personal limitations and what is needed to move forward
  • Identify strengths and start to create a self-promotion strategy to be more visible and increase confidence

Members:  Log in now to watch the replay.